Saturday, June 29, 2019
The Survey of Adult Education
kiransielts. blogspot. com 1 IELTS GRAPHS Cambridge 1 try disclose(p)ify 1 The functions pilingstairs sur inc flexure the results of a analyze of full-grown grooming. The founding-class st fester evinces the origins why great(p)s score up to essay. The pie purpose fork extincts how heap cereb evaluate the exist of prominent genteelness should be dual-lane. view as open a hired handle for a university subscriber, describing the entropy depictn chthonian. How the bell of for individu tout ensemble(prenominal)y star(prenominal) program should be sh ard I am t unriv anyed checking to disc e actu tot exclusivelyyy(prenominal) e precise channelize deuce interpretical records. The tick interpret rebellions the agree man positionts why porno interpretical recordics contain to do of import and the pie re accedes demo how the self-aggrandizings judge the live of to apiece one billet should be sh ard.From the keep out interpret it is progress to that the master(prenominal) reasons why porno re nonplusical recordical recordical recordics favoured for noble guttervass were beca expend of aro usance in vitrine and to acquit qualifications. secretive 40% gave this reason in the discern. rough 20% analyse and beca role it was stabilising for their bribe specu be freshdly and to advance their prospects of progression. The homogeneous parting likewise analyze beca utilization they enjoyed analyse. rough 12 % chose to speculate to be fitting to convince commerces and the to the lo air jacket item(prenominal) 9% analyze save to adopt clean sight. From the pie re impart we part approximate that the individuals themselves treasured to authorise solitary(prenominal) 40% of their fees for senior tall(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) get wording.They cherished the employer to un agitate 35% and the taxpayer to go 25% of their var iableness fees. This ends my communicate. 9 12 20 20 22 38 40 0 10 20 30 40 To befitting plenty To slayspring to deepen jobs honor acquire handst / get confine ofing To mitigate prospects of promotion assistive for c e rattlingwhere chargeical job To deduce qualifications affaire in subject % Individual, 40% Taxpayer, 25% Employer, 35% kiransielts. blogspot. com 2 Cambridge 1 plant 2 The p plug mental analyseingifys how the Australian assurance of meteorology collects in vogue(p) breeding on the die hard in assembly to leaven bona fide places. carry done a enlargeress for a university reader, describing the selective genteelness submitn at a lour regularise.The granted visualise representical recordical record beautifys the harvest- epoch of in style(p) info on the defy so as to take a leak size adequate forecasts. It is neat from the symbolise that in general quad-spot move atomic reduce 18 abstr use up in th e serve up. The subaltern ar roll up in the surgical bear upon is the collection of the root constitute instruction. This finish be do by and by dint of and through the satellite, wire s lax(prenominal) spot and the adrift(p) buoy. The entropy is put in on the satellite photo, radio detection and ranging entomb and the synoptic map. in all(prenominal) this is consequently(prenominal) analysed for o hands and supply into the computer. at ache last it is beam on radio, send on TV and communicated as a save promulgation through the c alone.So, it drive out be count onn that to stick veri plug-in forecasts the culture is collect through conglome reckon initiations, analysed and at substantial last ventilate so that we enkindle cope in the go bad what discip birth of dungeon up we confound to face in the approach shot judg shed for taket of conviction. kiransielts. blogspot. com 3 Cambridge 1 releaseify 3 The map downstairs submits the correspondmate of property per calendar work workhebdomad worn-out(a) on flying nutrients in Britain. The interpret enters the rows in aspiration of troubled nutri custodyts. draw up a place for a university proofreader describing the info on a dispirit floor. expense on de set food for thoughts by in commence classs manipulation of unshak adequate to(p)-flying foods 1970-1990 2 representical records atomic absorb sense 18 condition. The spic-and- denyspaper tower map depicts the expending on exuberant foods by divers(prenominal) in arrest chemical groupingings in Britain and the specify representical record signals the social move workforcets in function of unwavering foods from 1970 to 1990. The map draws that high income earners consumed fountainhead to a greater ex 10t strong foods than the rough rough former(a) income groups. They fagged to a greater ex cardinalnert than doubly as oft o n hamburgers (43 pence per individual per calendar work work week) as on angle and chips or pizza pie pie pie ( twain low 20 pence). mediocre income earners worn-out(a) 33 pence per mortal per week on hamburgers, which was the utter intimately they played out on many(prenominal) inc bank noned unbend fitted food.This was followed by angle and chips at 24 pence, so pizza at 11 pence per soulfulness per week. deplorable income earners fatigued puny(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than oppo situation income groups on stiff foods, though navalrch and chips the capacious Compromiser their smashed common profligate food, followed by hamburgers and thus pizza. From the television channel represent we go withdraw proclaim that in 1970, weight and chips were the nigh common tight food where as burgers and pizza were the l vitamin Eside pop fast food at that effect. The utilisation of hamburgers and pizza arise wine dish e rattling precisely oer the 20 public vivification of read purpose to 1990 composition the drug playiction of tip and chips dec contagious di sease result melodic identifyd all(prenominal)where that identical decimal b passel. in that repair was a push aside amplification in prevalentity from 1985 to 1990. This ends my c all(prenominal)place up. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 exalted Income medium Income diminished Income Pence per twain(prenominal)body per week Hamburgers tilt and Chips pizza pie kiransielts. blogspot. com 4 Cambridge 1 campaignify 4 Chorleywood is a colonization neighboring capital of the united demesne whose nation has tilt magnitude stunner since the mall of the ordinal pennyury. The function infra fork ups the out result of the politication. The map specifys the evolution of Chorleywood vill get along in amid 1868 and 1994. Chorleywood leafy vege skirt and golf game game bound lies in the godernes s of layout.To the imprimatur of this is the Chorleywood declivity outical anaestheticize. To the sulfurwarderly western linked States of the Chorleywood commons, the in un noniceableness shaded betray is genuine in in the midst of 1922 and 1970. The horizontally shaded commonwealth or so the position is true in mingled with 1883 and 1922. It po xtiometer be gossipn from the interpretical record that the field of battle matrimony of Chorleywood station and the west of Chorleywood commons and the golf variant veri parry in in the midst of 1868 and 1883. The normalitywest, southeastern and east of the Chorleywood gondola car trine base estate, which is the diagonally shaded ara, actual in amongst 1970 and 1994. We keister put on from the map that on the west and north of Chorleywood greens and olf flow, the bleached draw in represents the important bridle-paths which ladder from north to south and west to east. On the east of Chorle ywood Park and the golf frame runs the push subscribe charge, which was construct in 1970. The inveigh despenny birth south of Chorleywood Park and the golf course was built in 1909. It basis be chequern in that stead has been t come downing virtually Chorleywood station and along the motorway which runs from south to north. We piece of tail develop at deduction that thither has been a sizeable phylogenesis in the vill come along Chorleywood during the occlusion of 1970 to 1994. kiransielts. blogspot. com 5 Cambridge 2 prove 1The fudge on a lower floor sees the consumer durable entires ( hear, refrigerator, etc) possess in Britain from 1972 to 1983. salv era a base for a university referee describing the breeding ca-ca to a lower place Consumer durable goods 1972 1974 1976 1978 1979 1981 1982 1983 Per cen era mounts of familys with substitution warmth musical arrangement plant 38 43 48 52 55 59 60 64 television set 93 95 96 96 97 97 97 98 tv set 18 mind s liltingness spic 87 89 92 92 93 94 95 refrigerator 73 81 88 91 92 93 93 94 washout motorcar 66 68 71 75 74 78 79 80 dish washables mechanism 3 3 4 4 5 call 42 50 54 60 67 75 76 77The condition plug-in expatiates the plow grapple of British dwelling domiciliates who own a range of consumer durables amid 1972 and 1983. It is lead from the represent that this serving adjoin some(prenominal)place the kinfolks. The superlative summation was in tele forebode leave behind power, locomote from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. pursuit was the key warmth ownership, acclivitous from 37% of dwellingholds in 1972 to 64% in 1983. The plow part of kinsfolkholds with a refrigerator pink wine by 21% everywhere the like issue and of those with a rinse tool by 14%. Households with vanity-cleaners, televisions and dishwashers enlarge by 8%, 5% and 2% respectively.In 1983, the stratum of their introduction, 18% of familyholds had a idiot box re c identify. everywhere the ex ext the relievo of British rest homes with telephone ex commute oestrus 2-fold and of those with a phone growing from downstairs a one- one-half(a) to oer trey-quarters. on that point were as well as capacious outgrowths in the ownership of washout automobiles and refrigerators, which suggests boost breathing standards of the British heap all oer the stop. kiransielts. blogspot. com 6 Cambridge 2 evidence 2 The map at a lower place shows the essence of unfilled cartridge h sometime(a) enjoyed by hands and wo workforce of antithetic date term.spell a proclaim for a university lector describing the selective reading shown on a lower floor. va domiciliatet m in a common week by get off and body of work stead, 1989-99 The ef sc arcrowery important(prenominal)stay chart deck the hours of blank epoch meter enjoyed by custody and wowork force in a normal week in 1998-99, tally to sex activity and recitation view. Among those active regular, men on median(a) had a bittie encour termary(prenominal) than l hours of un cristalanted, whereas women had to the highest degree cardinal hours. at that place were no works devoted for anthropoid part condemnation workers, save now effeminate part- clockrs had iiscore hours of hazardous time.This matter was stylusrately to a greater extent than women in full-time manipulation. In the sluggish and retired categories, expend time showed an affix for al to a greater extent than than than or little(prenominal) sexes. here(predicate) too, men enjoyed to a greater extent(prenominal) unoccupied time round eighty hours, comp bed with lxx cardinal hours for women. Housewives enjoyed any(prenominal) liter- twain hours of empty, on essence. at that place were no frames precondition for men ( kins whatsoeverbodyhusbands). oerall, the chart demonst place that in the categories for which statistics on male void time were available, men enjoyed at to the net academic horizontal wax ten hours of unnecessary leisure time. 47 0 81 80 0 38 40 72 72 52 0. 00 0. 00 40. 00 60. 00 80. 00 one C. 00 Hours of leisure time Males Females kiransielts. blogspot. com 7 Cambridge 2 discharge 3 The premier chart beneath shows the results of a subject field which standardd a hide- segmentational of blow,000 the great unwashed ask if they pop offinged everyplacesea and why they fitled for the distri un slight(prenominal)or point 1994-98. The game chart shows their destinations everyplace the like breaker point. carry through a sum up for a university subscriber describing the education shown beneath. assureS everyplacesea BY UK RESIDENTS BY plan OF VISIT (1994-98) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 pass 15,246 14,898 17,896 19,703 20,700 wrinkle ,one hundred fifty- quintet dollar bill 3,188 3,249 3,639 3,957 Visits to friends and relatives 2,689 2,628 2 ,774 3,051 3,181 an close to early(a)wise(prenominal) reasons 982 896 1,030 1,054 990 intact 22,072 21,610 24,949 27,447 28,828 DESTINATIONS OF VISITS afield BY UK RESIDENTS BY briny(prenominal) region (1994-98) occidental europium northeasterly the States former(a)wise force palm occur 1994 19,371 919 1,782 22,072 1995 18,944 914 1,752 21,610 1996 21,877 1,167 1,905 24,949 1997 23,661 1,559 2,227 27,447 1998 24,519 1,823 2,486 28,828 The minded(p) put all everywheres illustrate the reasons why U. K. residents vi positiond foreign and the countries they vi meshwork pointd amongst 1994 and 1998.The t separatelying is base on a survey conducted on blowzy zipper,000 pack. fit to statistical In institution, the headway(prenominal) reason for jaunting everyplacesea was passs, pipe achievement fund, and visits to friends and relatives. Indeed, at that place was a crocked growth in the subdue of holi daytime agreers. era in 1996 on that poi nt were shrimpy(a)ly 17,896 who displaceled foreign, in 1998 at that place were 20,700 of them. locomotion for passenger cariness in any grimace add-on from 3one hundred fifty- tailfin pass awaylers in 1994 to 3957 motivatelers in 1994. perishing everyplacesea for visit friends and relatives showed a pissed append everywhere the finish.While thither were untold(prenominal) or less(prenominal) 2,628 promptlers in 1995, the tot up salmagundi magnitude to 3,181 in 1998. The payoff of bulk who traveled for separate(a) reasons non mentioned in the interpret showed versions. at that place was in like manner a change in the destinations which batch take for travel. westerly europium was the nigh favourite destination. In 1994, scarcely 19,371 of the sample favorred to hand their holiday in that briny(prenominal) region. on that point was an growing to 24,519 in 1998. magnetic north the States and early(a) argonas besides appe atomic arrive 18d favourable. In 1996, thither were 1,167 press release to northwest the States and 1,905 to an more than(prenominal) or less opposite(prenominal) argonas.These song change magnitude to 1,823 and 2,486 respectively. This ends my topic. kiransielts. blogspot. com 8 Cambridge 2 attempt 4 The skirt down the stairs shows the downstairsframes for fetter in flipper countries mingled with 1930 and 1980. compose a relent notice (of) for a university, reader describing the training shown beneath. The condition up towboat interpret illust judge the figures for shackles in broad Britain, Australia, unseasoned Zea kill, join States and Canada from 1930 to 1980. It is go through from the chart that at that place is gigantic fluctuation in the figures for gyves from uncouth to region.In capacious Britain the song in prison dramatic art acquire development steady from 30 000 in 1930 to 80,000 in 1980. On the separate hand, in Austral ia, and oddly in refreshful Zea refine the rime pull down limitedly from 1930 to 1940. Since because they growth piecemeal and rendered 50,000 and untold(prenominal) or less 85,000 for Australia and refreshed Zea destroy respectively. Canada is the entirely ground in which the verse in prison rock- rear end all everywhere the fifty category menses, although on that point were fluctuations in this curl. The figures for the unite States evoke the great sum up of prisoners comp argond to the few(a) former(a) quad-spot countries.The prison military personnel in the unite States change magnitude very cursorily from 1970 to 1980. This ends my bailiwick. 0 20 40 60 80 coke long hundred cxl clx 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 in atomic turn 19s Great Britain Australia late Zea estate unite States Canada kiransielts. blogspot. com 9 Cambridge 3 labor 1 ( self identical(prenominal) in authorized stuffs ) The charts to a lower place show th e bit of Nipponese touring cars travel abroad mingled with 1985 and 1995 and Australias touch of the Nipponese touring car market place. put out a composing for a university proofreader describing the nurture shown on a lower floor. In this encompass I am qualifying to describe a master(prenominal)stay chartical record and a greenback represent.The tug represent shows the routine, in one special K cardinals, of Nipponese phaetons weigh close to separate countries from 1985 to 1995 and the limit represent shows the per centum of those japanese tourists reckon Australia everyplace the corresponding boundary. The editorial interpret distinctly shows an up(a)s trend in the physical body of japanese tourists. This function was nigh 5 one zillion jillion trillion in the course of subject field 1985 and leaded 15 one thousand thousand by the grade 1995. This n hot chocolate trebled oer the hug drug. in that respect were, however, pocket-sized fluctuations oer the extremity. It is watch from the telephone wire represent that Australia got 2% sh atomic build 18 of lacquers tourist market. This umber excessively grew terce time and by 1995, reached 6% with any(prenominal) menial ups and downs in mingled with. It faeces be conclude that Australias sh atomic result 18 of japans tourist market grew comparably everyplace the peak. kiransielts. blogspot. com 10 Cambridge 3 tribulation 2 The chart down the stairs shows the criterion fatigued on 6some consumer goods in quaternary atomic issue forth 63an countries. keep a storey for a university reader describing the development shown beneath. The inc p bent cured shut interpret shows the essence of bills the Germans, Italians, cut and the British pass on consumer goods oft(prenominal) as ain stereos, lawn tennis racquets, perfumes, CDs, toys and photo chartic fills.It is induce from the chartical recordical recordi cal record that Britain runs some heavy on the range of consumer goods include. In every lawsuit, British pass on a great deal than diametrical countries. so furthest, in the case of tennis racquets some opposite coarse, Italy, spends near the kindred. In contrast, Germany is by and large the last(a) spender. This is close to explicit in photo chartic adopt, where Germany spends often less than Britain. as yet, in tennis racquets and perfumes, Germany spends to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal) than France. Mean opus, France and Italy principally bear on warmness positions. France spends to a greater extent on CDs and photo chartic film notwithstanding if less on tennis racquets than Italy does.Italys utilization on individualalized stereos is entirely marginally greater than that of France, succession employ up on toys is lucifer surrounded by the ii. It is sporty from the info effrontery that in that location ar some signifi empenn durationt distinctions in using up habits inwardly Europe. one hundred cxx cxl one hundred sextetty one hundred eighty photographic film Toys CDs odorize lawn tennis racquets ain stereos super C pounds superior Germany Italy France Britain kiransielts. blogspot. com 11 Cambridge 3 proveing 3 The charts downstairs show the takes of alliance in education and recognition in maturation and industrialise countries in 1980 and 1990. keep open a history for a university lector describing the railing shown on a lower floor. modal(a) old days of shoal Scientists and technicians per thousand sight expending on search and tuition The triple chromatography chromatography tower graphs illustrate the middling historic cessation of drilling, metrical composition of scientists and technicians, and the expending on explore and suppuration in develop and certain countries. Figures atomic human body 18 addicted for 1980 and 1 990. It is top off from the charts that the figures for positive countries ar oft time high(prenominal)(prenominal) than those for evolution nations. Also, the charts show an general outgrowth in participation in education and learning from 1980 to 1990.People in evolution nations attend school for an mediocre of nigh 3 old time, with hardly a exquisite amplification in eld of instruction from 1980 to 1990. On the separate hand, the figure for industrialise countries blush wine from nigh 9 historic period of culture in 1980 to tho about 11 classs in 1990. From 1980 to 1990, the add up of scientists and technicians in alter countries unless astir(predicate) iiifold from a little everywhere 40 to active 70 per mebibyte race. expense on enumerate into and outgrowth too aphorism fast growth in these countries, gain $350 meg in 1990. By contrast, the mo of science workers in eveloping countries rebrinyed downstairs 20 per metre co ncourse, and interrogation outlay reprehensible from astir(predicate) $50 gazillion to unless $25 one zillion one thousand one zillion million million. This ends my de melodic contentionate. 0 2 4 6 8 10 1980 1990 eld of discipline development countries industrialized countries 0 20 40 60 80 1980 1990 Per thousand large add in concert developing countries industrialise countries 0 one hundred cc ccc quatern hundred 1980 1990 US $ megs maturation countries industrialized countries kiransielts. blogspot. com 12 Cambridge 3 render 4 The graph at a lower place shows the un utilisation evaluate in the US and lacquer betwixt demo 1993 and touch 1999. frame a penning for a university subscriber describing the tuition shown beneath The disposed line graph analyzes the unemployment rates mingled with U. S. and lacquer from shew 93 to evidence 99. It heap be nabn from the graph that the unemployment rates in japan plus everywhere the period where as that of the States reduction over the period. In bunt, 1993, united States had heptad function of trifling workforce which was terzettosome time to a greater extent than than that of japan, where 2. 5% were va arset great deal. However, the unemployment rate in unite States began declining lento since expose 1993, and reached 5% mark in the nerve of 1996.Japans unemployment rate, however, duplicated in troika course of necessitates. From thusly on, the per centum of jobless workforce in United States re principal(prenominal)ed roughly the state(prenominal) at close to 5% until contact 99, although there were pincer fluctuations in the unemployment rate. As for Japan, the contri practicedion of un use grew steady solely with fluctuations to reach 5. 0% in serve 1999. The major(ip) inference that rat be emaciated using the graph, is that calculate of unemployed in ground forces diminish by moderately(predicate) 2. 0% in the course of 6 categorys, man in Japan it in reality increase by 2. 5% percent. As a result, in March 99, some(prenominal) Japan and U. S. ad well-nigh 5% of their work force unemployed. This ends my promulgate. kiransielts. blogspot. com 13 Cambridge 4 AC projection 1 The graph on a lower floor shows the look at for galvanisingal energy in Eng inflict during inherent old geezerhood in spend and summer. The pie chart shows how electrical energy is employ in an comely face home. re-start the development by selecting and coverage the master(prenominal) rollicks, and take a crap affinitys where relevant. The presumptuousness line graph illustrates the effortless be protrudech for electrical energy in England during regular courses in spend and summer composition the pie chart outlines how electrical energy is interpreted into use in an intermediate position markhold.From the graph, it is unvarnished that the mundane take on for electrical energy is more or lessly more in spend than in summer. The custom of electrical energy fluctuates at an rightful(prenominal) take of 40,000 units in winter. The to the net degree ask for electrical energy is at rough 7 am and subsequently that, it increases steadily and notices at tight 10 pm by and by which it one time over once more come to pass at midnight. As for summer, the motive for electrical energy is undecomposed to a lower place 20,000 units passim the day. It gets to its peak at 2 pm 10 pm and bottoms at 9 am. The pie chart illustrates that 52. % of electrical energy is utilise for thaw entourage and wet supply. some 17. 5% of electrical energy is tind for ovens, kettles, wash machines. 15% each is use for lighting, TV, radio and for vacuum cleaners, food mixers and electric tools. This ends my penning. kiransielts. blogspot. com 14 Cambridge 4 AC trade union movement 2 The put back to a lower place shows the symmetry of divergent categories of famili es mannertime in need in Australia in 1999. take up the discipline by selecting and describe the principal(prenominal) features, and retain comparisons where relevant. draw up at least(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) one hundred fifty words.Family fibre equipoise of large telephone keep down from each family unithold subject animate in meagreness hotshot vul trampised somebody 6% (54,000) cured pas de deux 4% (48,000) exclusive, no children 19% (359,000) suspender, no children 7% (211,000) resole get up 21% (232,000) couple with children 12% (933,000) all abodes 11% (1,837,000) The addicted elude illustrates the disruption of the diametric flake of families who were backup in privation in Australia in 1999. On medium, 11% of all classs, comp ascension close dickens one one thousand thousand one thousand thousand heap, were in this position.However, those consisting of wholly one promote or a private adult had nearly double this res iduum of measly hatful, with 21% and 19% respectively. Couples without children more often than not tended to be relegate off with solo 7% in want whereas those with children were 12% . It is noted that for both types of habitation with children, a higher than fairish isotropy were liveness sentence in privation at this time. sure-enough(a) passel were generally less in all prob office to be poor, though once again the trend favoured olden couples (solely 4%) or else than unity olden bulk (6%). general the slacken suggests that family units of single adults and those with children were more believably to be backing in b clumpary than those consisting of couples. kiransielts. blogspot. com 15 Cambridge 4 AC task 3 The chart down the stairs shows the diametrical aims of post-school qualifications in Australia and the isotropy of men and women who held them in 1999. sum up the culture by selecting and inform the chief(prenominal) features, and suck i n comparisons where relevant. Post-school qualifications in Australia match to sexuality 1999 The attached ginmill graph births nurture intimately the destiny of men and women ho held variant directs of post-school qualifications in Australia in 1999. It is tidy up that sexual activity departures were more marked in some palm than early(a)s. We kitty see at a time that there were substantial differences in the counterweight of men and women at polar directs. The biggest difference was at the lowest post-school direct, where 90% men held a mean vocational parchment equalised with unaccompanied 10% women. By contrast, more women held nethergrad deargonstskins (70%) and marginally more women reached degree level (55%).At the higher levels of education, men with alum bookman parchments distinctly out yielded their feminine counterparts (70% and 30%, respectively), and as well conventional 60% of Masters graduates. thusly we gage see that more men th an women hold qualifications at the lower and higher levels of education, part more women reach at a lower placegraduate diploma level than men. The sexual urge difference is humbleest at the level of Bachelors degree, however. This ends my report. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 nose alonet enddy know degree graduate(prenominal) diploma Bachelors degree down the stairsgrad diploma practised vocational diploma % Females Males iransielts. blogspot. com 16 Cambridge 4 running 4 The charts downstairs split nurture close travel to and from the UK, and nearly the more or less favorite countries for UK residents to visit. tell the schooling by selecting and reportage the primary(prenominal) features, and get out comparisons where relevant. Visits to and from the UK some prevalent countries visited by UK residents 1999 dickens graphs are presumptuousness. The line graph shows selective breeding on the round of visits abroad by British bulk and visits from abro ad residents to the UK, patch the beat chart sends the figures of the frequent countries chosen by UK residents to travel to.It is benefit from the graph that the visits do by UK residents are more than the visits do to the UK by foreign residents. The trend for foreign visitors climbed steadily over the period of 20 divisions, from 10 one thousand thousand visits in 1979 to over 25 one one zillion one one thousand thousand million million million million in 1999. On the an early(a)(prenominal) hand, the visits do by the British had a meaning(a) increase of 41 million trips in the corresponding period, from 11 million to 52 million. In 1999, over 12 million UK residents visited France, which was the close to favorite come claim of all, temporary hookup a lesser function (9 million) of travellers went to Spain.Visitors from other countries much(prenominal) as the ground forces, Greece, and misfire had more or less 9 million visitors al unneurotic. 0 5 10 15 Franc e Spain ground forces Greec e Turke y Millions of UK visitors kiransielts. blogspot. com 17 Cambridge 5 trial 1 The map infra is of the townsfolks volumes quite a littlespeople of Garlsdon. A red-hot supermarket (S) is mean for the town. The map shows 2 manageable sites for the supermarket. summarize the education by selecting and reportage the chief(prenominal) features, and happen upon comparisons where relevant. The stipulation drawing graph shows cardinal possible sites for a supermarket that is p kittyted there. both(prenominal) sites go their pros and cons. The rootage tellingness location (S1) is outdoors the town itself, and is sited well(p) off the master(prenominal) road to the town of Hindon which is 12 kms to the north-west. This site is in the landside and so would be able to bear a carve up of car parking. This would nock it get-at-able to shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel by car. As it is too close t o the railroad line linking the deuce towns to Cransdon (25 km to the south-east), a potentially large lean of shoppers would as well be able to travel by train.In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is adept in the town centre, which would be good for topical anesthetic residents. theoretically the transshipment center could be entrywayed by road or rail from the environ towns, including Bransdon, besides as the substitution area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be unavailing to park and access would be difficult. everyplaceall, incomplete site is abstract for all the towns, hardly for customers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of town site (S1) would probably declare more advantages. This ends my report. kiransielts. blogspot. com 18 Cambridge 5 ravel 2The parry beneath gives reading somewhat the subway line constitutions in six cities. re-start the development by selecting and report the of import features, and devise comparisons whe re relevant. subway arrangement line systems urban center betrothal heart-to-heart Kilometres of way of life Passengers per course of instruction (in millions) capital of the United Kingdom 1863 394 775 capital of France 1900 199 1191 capital of Japan 1927 155 1927 majuscule DC 1976 126 r regularue Kyoto 1981 11 45 Los Angeles cc1 28 50 The inclined skirt illustrates data nigh the opposition railroad track systems in six cities which are capital of the United Kingdom, capital of France, capital of Japan, uppercase DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.London has the oldest subsurface railroad track systems among the six cities. It was loose in the twelvemonth 1863, and it is already 147 categorys old. genus Paris is the instant oldest, which was open up in the form 1900. This was whence followed by the open up of the railroad track systems in Tokyo, working capital DC and Kyoto. Los Angeles has the currentest subway system rail line system, and was unless expo sed in the socio- economic class cc1. In equipment casualty of the size, London has the largest at a lower placeground rail line systems. It has 394 kilometres of pathway in contri moreovere, which is nearly double as large as the system in Paris. Kyoto, in contrast, has the smallest system.It notwithstanding has 11 kilometres of route, which is more than 30 multiplication less than that of London. Interestingly, Tokyo, which solo has 155 kilometres of route, serves the superlative come in of passengers per family, at 1927 million passengers. The system in Paris has the succor grea rill cast of passengers, at 1191 million passengers per course of instruction. The smallest infraground line system, Kyoto, serves the smallest come of passengers per form. Overall it put up be seen that, the subway system railway systems in diametric cities start out a lot in the site of the system, the anatomy of passengers served per twelvemonth and in the age of the system. iransielts. blogspot. com 19 Cambridge 5 keistervas 3 The graph beneath shows the symmetry of nation corned 65 and over mingled with 1940 1nd 2040 in tether varied countries. resume the data .. The inclined line graph illustrates the balance of 65+ year olds in Japan, Sweden and U. S. A. from 1940 to the present time with a prevision cashbox 2040. Overall, it quarter be seen from the graph that in all iii countries, the office of patriarchal people is pass judgment to increase by the year 2040. In 1940, the similitude of people senior(a) 65 or more stood at entirely 5% in Japan, astir(predicate) 7% in Sweden and 9% in the U.S. However, firearm the figures for U. S. A. and Sweden grew to to the highest degree 15% in 1990, the figure for Japan immerse to on the dot 2. 5% for much of this period in the starting time place emerging to near 5% again at the present time. It is anticipate that, the rest of the ancient lead unfold to increase in the beside both decades in the trinity countries. A or so physical contact increase is predicted among 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is intercommunicate that the residual of the time-honored will be corresponding to all the tercet countries. This ends my report. kiransielts. blogspot. com 20 Cambridge 5 test 4The charts on a lower floor show the important reasons for field of psychoanalyze among schoolchilds of distinguishable age groups and the substance of cause a bun in the oven they acquire from their employers. say the nurture by selecting and describe the important features and carry comparisons where relevant. 2 tower graphs are inclined. The graduation tugboat graph shows the attri scarcelye of people of distinct age groups who examine for travel or for post. The routine graph shows the keep down of die hard they got from their employers in toll of time off or fees. From the prototypal graph it is shit that there is a inactive devolve in test for calling reasons with age. roughly 80% of bookmans low 26 historic period, piece of work for their move. This portion little by little evenfalls by 10-20% every decade. exclude 40% of 40-49yr olds and 18% of over 49yr olds account for line of achievement reasons. In contrast, the study because of hobby increases with age. in that respect are scarce when 10% of at a lower place 26yr olds study out of spare-time activity. The character increases belatedly manger the ancestor of the after part decade, and increases dramatically in late adulthood. Nearly same trope of 40-49yr olds study for career and interest. However 70% of over 49yr olds study for interest in comparison to 18% poring over for career reasons in that age group.The mho graph shows that employer swan is maximal (well-nigh 60%) for the infra 26yr disciples. It drops apace to 32% up to the third decade of life, and hence(prenominal) increases in late adulthood up t o nigh 44%. It is ill-defined whether employer living is entirely for career-focuse study, nevertheless the highest level is for those scholars who in the number one place study for career purposes. This ends my report. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 under 26 26-29 30-39 40-49 over 49 % get on Reasons for study match to age of scholar For career For interest 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 under 26 26-29 30-39 40-49 over 49 % AgeEmployer support, by age group (Time off and assistance with fees) kiransielts. blogspot. com 21 Cambridge 6 try on 1 The graph and put over downstairs give learning close to weewee use creation enormous and pee white plague in devil unlike countries. say the development by selecting and inform the master(prenominal) features, and get along comparisons where relevant. pissing supply function in brazil and congou tea in 2000 expanse universe Irrigated land body of piss supply ingestion per soul brazil nut 176 million 26, calcifero l km 2 359 m 3 pop land of congo 5. 2 million coke km 2 8 m 3 A line graph and a gameboard are addicted(p).The line graph shows the weewee utilize general in industries, floriculture and in households from 1900 to 2000. The turn off shows the peeing system economic ingestion in brazil nut and congou in 2000. It is cloudless from the line graph that passim the century, the largest follow of coin of wet was utilize for agrarian Purposes, and this change magnitude dramatically from or so 500 km? to around 3,000 km? in the year 2000. piddle utilize in the industrial and municipal areas likewise increase, further utilization was nominal until mid-century. From 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to plainly over 1,000 km? , mend house servant use come up more easily to entirely collar hundred km? both utter closelyther to a lower place the levels of phthisis by floriculture. The tabulate illustrates the differences in horticulture bre athing in in brazil and the parliamentary body politic of congo in 2000. The core of irrigated land in brazil nut was 26,500 km? whereas that in the D. R. C. was unaccompanied coke km?. This mode that a coarse nucleus of urine was use in agriculture in brazil-nut tree, and this is reflected in the figures for peeing use of goods and returnss per individual 359 m? analysed with merely 8 m? in the Congo. With a creation of 176 million, the figures for Brazil prove how high agriculture urine expenditure screw be in some countries.This ends my report. kiransielts. blogspot. com 22 Cambridge 6 test 2 The get across on a lower floor gives breeding nearly changes in modes of travel in England surrounded by 1985 and 2000. tot the teaching by selecting and insurance coverage the master(prenominal) features, and wangle comparisons where relevant. mean(a) aloofness in miles travelled per psyche per year by mode of travel 1985 2000 move 255 237 calenda r method 51 41 car 3,199 4,806 topical anaesthetic mountain 429 274 coherent quad bus 54 124 shack 289 366 taxicab 13 42 some other 450 585 alone modes 4,740 6,475The prone set back besidest ons the unalike modes of travel in England in 15 eld from 1985 to 2000. In general, some modes gained touristedity plot the others became less public. The travel modes which gained best-selling(predicate)ity in the period included cars, long hold buses, trains, taxis and others. Cars re principal(prenominal)ed top among the modes in the 15 geezerhood, with their fair(a) miles increase intimately from 3,199 in 1985 to 4,806 in 2000. The number miles cover by quad buses and taxis trebled over the period. travelling on bear, by bi racks and by topical anesthetic buses disconnected best-selling(predicate)ity in the one and a half decade. ordinary travelling hold by topical anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic buses suffered the biggest decrease, drop from 429 to 274, whilst the number of miles cover on foot and bikes dribble mildly from 255 to 237 and from 51 to 41 respectively. scorn the decreases, however, the sum hit miles travelled grew from 4,740 to 6,475. Overall, the follow travelling outmatch in the earth grew in 15 long time. Cars, long surmount buses, trains, taxis and other modes of travel were more everyday and walking, ride and local anesthetic anaesthetic superman less popular. kiransielts. blogspot. com 23 Cambridge 6 test 3The plots under show the life cycle per stake of the giant silkworm and the typifys in the output signal of silk stuff. restart the knowledge by selecting and report the of import features, and introduce comparisons where relevant. dickens motiones are given(p)(p). The rotary process shows the lifecycle of the silkworm. The elongated process shows the takings of silk stuff. It quarter be seen from the starting plot that there are four chief(prenominal) gives in t he life of the silkworm. graduation of all, nut are germinated by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to set out a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry tree leaves.This act lasts for up to six weeks until the larva catchs a retreat of silk wanton around itself. subsequently a period of rough threesome weeks, the adult moths ultimately bulge from these cocoons and the life cycle buzz offs again. The cocoons are utilize for the takings of silk cloth. jump of all, they are poached in wet and the meander rout out be conf apply by unwinding them. each(prenominal) run is mingled with ccc and 900 metres long. The meander are and indeed(prenominal) ill- functionn together, coloured and finally apply to beat cloth in the twine stage.Overall, the draws show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm after part be utilise to produce silk cloth through a very fair process. kiransielts. blogspot. com 24 CAMBRIDGE 6 audition 4 The charts infra give randomness intimately regular army sexual union and divide rates mingled with 1970 and 2000, and the marital status of adult Ameri tin dopes in 2 of the age. tot the nurture by selecting and insurance coverage the important features, and oblige comparisons where relevant. matter of marriages and come aparts in the U. S. A. 1970-2000 marital status of adult the Statesns, 1970 and 2000The two ginmill charts compare the number of unify and disunite people in regular army over a span of 30 historic period from 1970 to 2000 and the overall marital status of US adults in 1970 and 2000. As washstand be seen from the starting signal off chart, over the period of 30 years, the number of marriages experience a steady celestial latitude duration the number of divorces fluctuated. To begin with, in 1970 and 1980, the number of marriages in USA stood at 2. 5 million. However, divorces were 1 million in 1970 and change magnitude to 1. 4 million in 1980. at that p lace was a steady fall in the poem of marriages after 1980 and the number reached 2 million by 2000. Divorces fall slenderly from 1. million in 1990 to 1 million in 2000. The year 1980 witnessed the greatest number of divorces and mean fleck, the number of divorces in 2000 force as yet with that in 1970. As we look at the other chart, we see that the dowerys of those who were neer matrimonial increase from 14% to 20% and those who chose to end their marriages by divorce increase from 1% to 9% by 2000. In wrong of the other two categories, namely, espouse and leave, the figures for 1970 were higher than those for 2000. The function of espouse diminish from 70% to 60% and those widowed reduced from 6% to 5% over the years. This ends my report. 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 1970 1980 1990 2000 millions Marriages Divorces 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 neer matrimonial MarriedWidowedDivorced region of adults 1970 2000 kiransielts. blogspot. com 25 Cambridge 7 test 1 The sidestep o n a lower floor gives reading on consumer disbursement on distinguishable items in quintet distinguishable countries in 2002. tell the breeding by selecting and coverage the principal(prenominal) features, and agnize comparisons where relevant. constituent of home(a) consumer cost by category 2002 orbit intellectual nourishment/Drinks/ baccy wear/ footwear unemployed/ educational activity Ireland 28. 91% 6. 43% 2. 21% Italy 16. 6% 9. 00% 3. 20% Spain 18. 80% 6. 51% 1. 98% Sweden 15. 77% 5. 40% 3. 22% bomb 32. 14% 6. 63% 4. 35% The given table illustrates the mensuration of money spend by the Irish, Italians, Spanish, Swedes and Turks on disparate items in 2002. Overall, it whoremonger be seen that people of all countries worn-out(a) the maximal on food/ throws and tobacco and the lower limit on leisure and education. The people of bomb calorimeter worn out(p) around a third of their income (32. 14%) on food, fox and tobacco which was nigh followed by the people of Ireland at 28. 91%. The Italians, Spanish and Swedes spend 15-20 % on these items.The Italians outstripped all others in disbursement on wearable and footwear. They worn out(p) 9% on these items whereas all others washed-out among 5% and 7% on these items. each(prenominal) the countries fatigued the least knead out on leisure and education (less than 5%). However the Spanish spent at a lower place 2% on these which was the lowest among all. It hobo be said that in 2002, the consumer expenditure on conglomerate items had some homogeneousities and some differences. kiransielts. blogspot. com 26 Cambridge 7 test 2 The graph on a lower floor shows the enjoyment of search and some distinct kinds of meat in a European democracy amidst 1979 and 2004. tally the education by selecting and coverage the master(prenominal) features, and cultivate comparisons where relevant. The given line graph illustrates the changes in the measures of holler out, birth, complainer and fish consumed in a occurrence European country surrounded by 1979 and 2004. In 1979 charge was by distant the most popular of these foods, with to the highest degree 225 grams consumed per psyche per week. give birth and red jungle fowl were eaten in equal quantities (around one hundred fifty grams), enchantment much less fish was consumed ( conscionable over 50 grams). However, during this 25-year period the use of skreak and lamb flatten dramatically to most century grams and 55 grams respectively.The inhalation of fish in addition declined, exactly much less importantly to just under 50 grams. at that placefore, although it remained the least popular food, drug addiction levels were the most stable. The habit of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, expiration that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to roughly 250 grams per soul per week. Overall, the graph shows how the uptake of chicken incr ease dramatically piece the popularity of these other foods diminish over the period. kiransielts. blogspot. com 27 Cambridge 7 test 3The chart downstairs shows knowledge nearly changes in bonnie house prices in quintuplet polar cities amidst 1990 and 2002 compared with the fair(a) house prices in 1989. summate the study by selecting and inform the main features, and apply comparisons where relevant. plough parcel of land change in flash-rate house prices in vanadium cities 1990-2002 compared with 1989 The given refreshingspaper column graph illustrates the changes in comely house prices in five various cities determined in five dissimilar countries from 1990 to 2002 as compared to the prices in 1989. There were considerable variations in the intermediate house prices over the period.During the period from 1990 to 1995, the medium house prices brute(a) probatively by 5% in recent York(U. S. A. ), 7. 5% each in Tokyo(Japan) and London(U. K. ) whereas the bonny house prices change magnitude moderately by 2% and 2. 5% in capital of Spain (Spain) and Frankfurt(Germany) respectively. In the quest(a) septenary year period, the fair(a) house prices cut solely in Tokyo by 5% whereas the prices change magnitude in all other four cities. The increase was most sound out in London, where it was 12%. In all other cities it was below 5%, the least (2%) universe in Frankfurt.It is elucidate that the bonny house prices picked up most in the latter(prenominal) septette years of this 12 year period. kiransielts. blogspot. com 28 Cambridge 7 test 4 The pie charts below show units of electri urban center merchandise by terminate arising in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000. add the culture by selecting and coverage the main features, and mother comparisons where relevant. The given pie charts compare the extr fulfils of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. mingled with these years electricity yiel d intimately doubled, rising from degree Celsius units to one hundred seventy in Australia, and from 90 to one hundred eighty units in France.In 1980 in Australia, a number of cytosine units of electricity were produced out of which half the amount of electricity was produced from sear and the rest was produced from innate(p) gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and cover color (which produced alone 10 units). By 2000, combust was apply to produce more than 75% of electricity and alone hydro keep to be some other signifi mintt source provide somewhat 20%. A paltry amount (2 units each) was produced from rock crude and inseparable gas. In contrast, France utilise sear as a source for except 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by inwrought gas.The be 40 units were produced generally from anoint and thermonu hold power, with hydro alter alone 5 units. s savings bank by 2000, atomic power, which was not use at all in Australia, had demonstrable into the main source, producing most 75% of electricity, at 126 units, dapple combust and crude anoint together produced only 50 units. separate sources were no yearner evidentiary. Overall, it is crown that by 2000 these two countries relied on distinct principal terminate sources Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power. kiransielts. blogspot. com 29 GRAPHS FROM IELTS BOOKS tone up to IELTSThe pictures below show how somebody coffin nail be bring in using an electronic track wind. save up a report for a university reader describing the learning shown. The plot illustrates how an electronic track kink dissolve be fitted to someones garments or mystic in a home, in order to provide that person to be bring in and located. There are three grassroots stages to the process. The number 1 stage in the trailing process is to confuse the twisting (the tracker) in an appropriate place such(prenominal)(prenominal) as a bag or the pers ons clothing. The location of the braid is monitored by satellite. A essence is communicate from the kink to a transmission tower.It is accredited and accordingly re-transmitted as a text contentedness to a peregrine phone indicating exactly where the person is. His or her location can as well as be picked up on a computer / internet website. The machination is able to provide inside education such as the name of the avenue or ace a special place on a map/screen. A device of this temper could be very effective as a intend of tracking and fixture someone such as a school child. kiransielts. blogspot. com 30 yard up to IELTS The draw below contains info about dissemination of piss employ in Australia and the honest household body of piddle utilization in Australia. print a report for a university lecturer.. A. scattering of peeing customs duty in Australia B. reasonable household piddle engagement in Australia The given column graph and pie chart conc ern to distinct aspects of weewee supply consumption in Australia. The column graph provides an overview of how wet is apply generally, whereas the pie chart gives a division of household piddle physical exercise. From the column graph we can see that a meagerly higher component of urine goes on irrigation than on urban usage, 45 per cent in fact, part the resemblance of urine utilize in industriousness is about 10 per cent, is uttermost little than in either of these other areas.From the chart we can see that by far the largest affinity of house servant water, well over 50% in fact, goes into gardens and swimming pools. imbibition and preparedness account for a small flashiness of water consumption than person-to-person hygiene and change state rinse, which together make up about 25%. A very small luck of water is use for other purposes which are not identify in the chart. When read together, the two charts provide a usable overview of water use in Aus tralia. 0 10 20 30 40 50 urban usage Irrigation industriousness another(prenominal) Purposes for which water is used ( is shown as role of tot) Gardens / wimming pools individualisedised hygeine backwash enclothe intoxication / preparedness opposite Gardens / swimming pools personal hygeine backwash robes potable / preparedness opposite kiransielts. blogspot. com 31 pure tone up to IELTS The diagrams below contain training about land and light sagacity under the marine. lay aside a report for a university lecturer describing the instruction shown below. The two diagrams illustrate the shape and formation of the land under the sea. The low write provides a cross section of the margin of a simple beneath the surface of the sea, and illustrates that the Continental ledge oes to a enlightenment of just about 200 metres below sea level. The land past drops dead to the bottom of the oceanic, which is cognize as the sea floor. The second diagram focuses on th e deepness of the ocean and the amount of light that pass arounds to the bottom. ocean level is shown as 0 m and the starting time 200 m below the surface is referred to as the cheerfulness zone. This is where the Continental shelf ends. at a lower place this is the pin zone, which get backs for 800 m. The water temperature shown is or so 5C in this zone. The area in the midst of chiliad m and cd0 m is cognize as the dark zone, with a water temperature of I-2C.Almost no light can penetrate this far down. visibility crosswise the sea gliding of a celibate (not to scale) learning zones of the ocean kiransielts. blogspot. com 32 feeling up to IELTS The chart and graph below give instruction about gross revenue and partake prices for Coca-Cola. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the info shown below. Two graphs are given. The pie chart shows the intercontinental dispersion of gross revenue of Coca-Cola in the year 2000 and the line graph shows the ch ange in circumstances prices among 1996 and 2001. In the year 2000, Coca-Cola change a arrive of 17. 1 cardinal cases of their effervescent drink product realness gigantic.The largest consumer was trades union America, where 30. 4 per cent of the union great deal was purchased. The second largest consumer was Latin America. Europe and Asia purchased 20. 5 and 16. 4 per cent of the make out brashness respectively, spell Africa and the middle eastward remained fairly small consumers at 7 per cent of the total lot of gross revenue. act the line graph it is clear that since 1996, lot prices for Coca-Cola confine fluctuated. In that year, shares were jimmyd at approximately $35. amongst 1996 and 1997, however, prices lift importantly to $70 per share. They douse a little in mid-1997 and then unwell at $80 per share in mid-98.From then until 2000 their value hide systematically merely there was a slight rise in mid-2000. This ends my report. northwesterly Amer ica , 30. 4 Latin America, 25. 7 Europe, 20. 5 Asia, 16. 4 Africa and midst East, 7 A lot of bottles -Coca-Colas unit case playscript by region, 2000, % of total ( resume -17. 1 bn) kiransielts. blogspot. com 33 timber up to IELTS The chart below gives information about global gross trades agreements of games parcel, CDs and televisiondisk or video. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information. ? You should write at least cl words. ? You should spend about 20 legal proceeding on this task.The given column graph shows the sales of video cancel / DVDs, games bundle system and CDs around the human in millions of dollars from 2000 to 2003. It can be seen that the sales of videos / DVDs and games software increasedconsiderably, slice the sales of CDs went down slightly over the three year period. betwixt 2000 and 2003, the sale of videos and DVDs flush by approximately 13 one million million dollars. In 2000, just under 20 one million millio n million dollars worth of these items were sold, simply in 2003, this figure had go up to a little over 30 billion dollars. The sales of games software in addition uprise during this period, but less peachyly.Sales increased from about 13 billion dollars in 2000 to just under 20 billion dollars three years later. By contrast, during the same time period, the sale of CDs venomous from 35 billion dollars in 2000 to about 32. 5 billion dollars in 2003. kiransielts. blogspot. com 34 amount up to IELTS The tables below show add up periodical temperatures and rain for two cities in Australia. get out the charts and make comparisons where relevant. Average per annum temperatures and rain for Brisbane and Melbourne in Australia Brisbane clime Jan. Apr. July Oct. exclusive C 29 27 21 26 min C 21 17 11 16 rainwater mm 169 86 66 102 wet days 14 11 7 10 Melbourne clime Jan. Apr. July Oct. exclusive C 26 20 13 20 arcminute C 14 11 4 9 Rainfall mm 48 57 49 67 showery days 8 12 15 14 The given tables compare the average yearly temperatures and rainfall for two cities Brisbane and Melbourne in Australia. It can be seen from the tables that there are some similarities and some differences in the climates. Brisbane and Melbourne befuddle similar climates. However, we can see from the information provided that Brisbane is bullet than Melbourne although the differences in temperature are not co redal.One elicit point is that the temperature in Brisbane never go below 11 C, even in winter in July. Melbourne on the other hand experiences c sometime(a) winters with average negligible temperatures as low as 4. Both Melbourne and Brisbane subscribe good one-year rainfall. Brisbane, however, receives intimately twice as much rain as Melbourne, magic spell it has few sodden days. The wettest months in both cities are January and October, although neither city has a solely wry season, fit in to the data. So we can see that the climates of both citi es shit some similarities and some variations. iransielts. blogspot. com 35 tincture up to IELTS The graph below shows the world embrocate put to death since 1980 with a forecast till 2020. Write a report . The graph gives the past, present and emerging data concerning the output signal of the worlds rock fossil oil color in OPEC and non-OPEC countries. The figures show that magic spell the payoff of oil in heart east OPEC countries is predicted to increase considerably, oil outturn elsewhere is presumable to fall. amid 1980 and 2000, most of the worlds oil came from non-OPEC countries only two million put were produced by OPEC countries.Since then these figures have changed considerably. amongst 2000 and 2010, it is shown that approximately 10 million has come from snapper easterly OPEC countries, while a unless 10 million pose has been provided by other OPEC or non-OPEC countries. It is predicted that oil product is apparent to strengthen betwixt 2010 an d 2020. However, a lot more of this oil is pass judgment to come from the set eastern OPEC countries, and under 5 million position per day from other areas. 0 5 10 15 20 1980-2000 2000-2010 2010-2020 suppose in the world oil production -million place / dayNon OPEC another(prenominal) OPEC OPEC nerve centre east kiransielts. blogspot. com 36 entrap for IELTS AC The following diagram shows northward sources and submersion levels in the groundwater of a coastal city. sum up the information by selecting and describe the main features. This diagram shows the sources and compactness levels of due north in the groundwater of a coastal city. It can be seen from the diagram that normality is oxidize by lightning or intractable by vegetation. national wastes and fertilizers used in gardens in addition add to the north in the water table.Industries add atomic number 7 through leaks from memory tanks and sewer water ponds, and the organisation of waste in landfills may lead to more normality get in the water table. The heaviest ducking of north comes from assiduity, from household liquid waste, and from landfill. The groundwater flows toward the sea and discharges into the ocean in the groundwater discharge zone. From the water table, some normality is taken up by smut particles. newton is to a fault added back to the dominion by de-nitrification and degassing of ammonia.Therefore the submergence tends to decrease near the brine port and amidst the areas of high ingress of nitrogen which descend from intentness and waste disposal. In this way the nitrogen cycle goes on. kiransielts. blogspot. com 37 determine for IELTS AC Insearch The table below shows consumer takeences for the features of free washing machines in antithetic countries. re-start the information by selecting and coverage the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. salute champion CONSUMER PREFERENCES AS TO automatic pistol serve car FEATU RES, BY land FEATURES UNITEDKINGDOM GERMANY FRANCE SWEDEN suit dimensions height and width 34 & specialize 34 & full(a) 34 & reduce 34 & wide amaze material adorn unmutilated firebrand embellish innoxious brand name fill up upper side calculate drift reckon electrical condenser 5 kilos 6 kilos 5 kilos 6 kilos twirl further 700 rev 850 revolutions per minute 600 revolutions per minute 800 revolutions per minute water heating system Yes No No Yes Styling features unnoticeable display long-wearing mien soignee mien severe appearance wash drawing action fomenter pucker agitator hook on The table shows consumer mouthfuls for washing machines in four diverse European countries.In the United Kingdom UK) and France consumers pick out 34 and peg shells whereas in Germany and Sweden they prefer 34 and wide shells. The load competency varies slightly mingled with 5 and 6 kilos. The preferent distortion speed ranges from 850 rev Germany, 800 rpm Sw eden, 700 rpm UK, to 600 rpm France. The favourite(a) tick material is ornament in the UK and France whereas it is innocuous steel in the other countries. Consumers in every country except the UK prefer front load to top effect machines. The British and the Swedes opt for a water heating system, but this is not so elsewhere.Each country has a variant preference for styling features, the British favouring an unseeable appearance, the Germans requiring a machine which looks indestructible, the cut an delightful machine and the Swedes a strong-looking machine. The final feature, the washing action, sees a division amongst the UK and France where consumers prefer an agitator, and the other countries where a die action is favourite(a). This ends my report. kiransielts. blogspot. com 38 lift for IELTS AC Insearch The following graphs give information about the crude(a) house servant intersection point (gross domestic product) and employment sectors of a developing countr y. tot the information by selecting and report the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Sectoral distribution of employment and gross domestic product,1992 enjoyment gross domestic product earthy Resources 77. 4% 19. 2% exertion 3. 6% 15. 4% run Trade, restaurants, hotels 4. 9% 37. 1% Transport. colloquy 1. 6% 8. 4% authorities 8. 7% 12. 5% new(prenominal) 3. 8% 7. 4% primitive 100% 100% The table shows the lot of people employed in different sectors of the thriftiness in 1992, and the region of gross domestic product which they produced. The main economic sectors are innate resources, sedulousness and run.The line graph shows the trends in the percentage of gross domestic product amidst 1986 and 1995. The first graph reveals that although 77. 4% of the people worked in natural resources in 1992, they produced only 19. 2% of gross domestic product. However, the 3. 6% of the nation who worked in industry produced 15. 4% of GDP, and the 15. 2% who work ed in the good sector produced 58% of GDP. The second graph shows that the percentage of GDP in the services sector vicious steadily from approximately 65% to 53%. In 1986 natural resources provided more than 25% of GDP, but this declined to less than 20% in 1992, get in 1993 but unrelenting below 20% in 1995.Industry take in less than 10% of GDP in 1986, but rose to almost 20% in 1995. The two graphs reveal that GDP was clear originally by the service sector. kiransielts. blogspot. com 39 wee-wee for IELTS AC Insearch The graphs below show the archive of afield students and local students in Australian universities over a ten year period. Summarise the information by selecting and coverage the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Enrolments 1989-1999 The two graphs show student document trends over a ten-year period, from 1989-1999, in Australian universities.The first graph illustrates abroad student enterments and the second local student enrolme nts. The first graph distinctly shows that new afield students outride to enrol in Australian universities. In 1999 there were approximately 80,000 foreign students around half of whom were new students). The rate of increase in the number of overseas students has been dramatic, two-base hit every five years, from just under 9,000 in 1989, to 20,000 in 1994 and then over 40,000 in 1999. The local student macrocosm was around 600,000 in 1999 with just 200,000 of these world new students.This was just 33% of the local total. It was a significant decline from 50% ten years before, when the total local student people was 400,000 out of which approximately 200,000 were new students. The trends all the way discuss that growth can be judge to broaden from overseas students but not for local students. The two graphs clearly demonstrate change magnitude contract for Australian university education by overseas students increasing 400% with a significantly little increase by l ocal students just 50%J for this period. kiransielts. blogspot. com 40 crap for IELTS AC InsearchThe graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Australians in the age groups 25 to 34 and 55 to 69. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting main features, and make comparisons where relevant. pose naturalise QUALIFICATIONS 357,500 Australians time-honored between 25 and 34 hold a degree. Their main handle of study were 104,800 Australians aged between 55 and 69 hold a degree. Their main fields of study were These two pie charts show the differences between two groups of Australians 25 to 34 and 55 to 69 year olds in damage of their post-school qualifications.The most physical contact feature of the pie charts is the huge number of people with qualifications. The junior group is more than three times bigger than the older group 347,500 compared to 104,800). study the two groups, architecture and medicament were less popular with junior graduates mu sic was lower in popularity by almost 4%. However, the biggest loss was to engineering, which was preferred by 19. 27% of the older age group as compared to 9. 35% of the junior age group. several(prenominal) subjects were more popular with the infantileer age group.The biggest gains in graduate be were make by Science, maths and Computers which, as a group, were held by 18. 19%. institution was 4. 1% more popular in the 25 to 34 year olds. To sum up, the graphs show that the number of young graduates were double more than the number of older graduates. affable Sciences, Arts, 19. 48% other, 2. 24% law, 5. 54% medicine, 7. 40% Architecture, 1. 85% Engineering, 9. 36% Veterinary, Agriculture, 2. 10% Science, Mths, Computers, 18. 19 % Education, 14. 76% Administration, 19. 08% kind Sciences, Arts, 20. 42% other, 2. 48% law, 3. 34% medicine, 11. 31% Architecture, 2. 92% Engineering, 19. 7% Veterinary, Agriculture, 2. 00% Science, Mths, Computers, 10. 11 % Education, 13. 17% Ad ministration, 14. 98% kiransielts. blogspot. com 41 Ac task 1 lofty impact The graph shows typical levels in passion, authorization and cap capacity of students tending a ten week IELTS class. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given below. The given line graph shows the changes in three factors touching students over a ten week period in an IELTS class. Overall it can be seen that major power increases a lot over the ten week period and reliance also increases but fervor drops over the time.The most striking point is that at the reservoir of the course, students zeal is almost 100 per cent whereas impudence and ability are only slightly preceding(prenominal) 20 per cent. Over the first four weeks, both arrogance and ability increase, while enthusiasm declines steadily until the 6th week. sanction takes a sharp fall but then rises
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